An article presented findings from a national survey of quality of life in older age. The main aim of the analyses was to examine the definitions of quality of life given by people aged 65 and over, and the underlying reasons.
Source: Ann Bowling and Zahava Gabriel, 'Lay theories of quality of life in older age', Ageing and Society, Volume 27 Issue 6
Links: Abstract
Date: 2007-Nov
An article examined what societal well-being was, and the main approaches emerging for how it should be measured.
Source: Paul Allin, 'Measuring societal wellbeing', Economic & Labour Market Review, October 2007, Office for National Statistics, Palgrave Macmillan (01256 329242)
Date: 2007-Oct
A report by a working group of the opposition Conservative Party put forward a wide range of policy proposals designed to promote sustainable improvements in the quality of life, including measures to combat climate change. It proposed a tax on workplace car parking spaces, a halt to airport growth, a tax on 4x4 cars, and restrictions on car advertising.
Source: Quality of Life Policy Group, Blueprint for a Green Economy, Conservative Party (020 7222 9000)
Links: Report | Conservative Party press release | Friends of the Earth press release | Greenpeace press release | Shelter press release | Living Streets press release | EST press release | CRC press release | CPRE press release | RAC Foundation press release | CBI press release | BBC report | Guardian report | Telegraph report | FT report (1) | FT report (2)
Date: 2007-Sep
An article examined associations between local socio-economic context and perceptions of neighbourhood quality of life. Social renting per se was not necessarily associated with greater dissatisfaction, although there was an association between private renting and greater satisfaction, probably reflecting the age and social profile of private renters. In respect of ecological indicators, increased levels of deprivation were associated with a raised probability of expressing neighbourhood satisfaction.
Source: John Mohan and Liz Twigg, 'Sense of place, quality of life and local socioeconomic context: evidence from the Survey of English Housing, 2002/03', Urban Studies, Volume 44 Number 10
Links: Abstract
Date: 2007-Sep
An official survey asked people in England to rate their satisfaction with life. Responses varied according to occupation, with professionals (such as doctors, solicitors, teachers, nurses, and police officers) seeming happier than pensioners, unskilled workers, and unemployed people.
Source: Sustainable Development Indicators in Your Pocket 2007, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (08459 556000)
Links: Report | DEFRA press release | Telegraph report
Date: 2007-Jul
A new book examined the state of the science of well-being, and the implications of this for research, policy, and practice. It emphasized the interplay between social, community, and individual well-being.
Source: John Haworth and Graham Hart (eds.), Well-being: Individual, community and social perspectives, Palgrave Macmillan (01256 329242)
Links: Summary
Date: 2007-Jul
A think-tank report said that 'happiness' research could not be used to justify government intervention in the way that its proponents suggested. The difficulties of measuring society?s happiness were insurmountable, and policy-makers should not claim that they could control and increase happiness through public policy decisions.
Source: Helen Johns and Paul Ormerod, Happiness, Economics and Public Policy, Institute of Economic Affairs (020 7799 8900)
Date: 2007-Jul
A pamphlet (by a former cabinet minister) described the 'transformation' that had taken place under the Labour government in a range of areas since 1997. Only by making clear political choices and prioritizing issues that made a real difference to people?s quality of life - building hundreds of new schools, introducing the minimum wage, trebling spending in the National Health Service, taking decisive action against anti-social behaviour, and stabilizing the economy - had such changes been possible.
Source: David Blunkett MP, Then & Now ? A Country Transformed: 10 years of Labour government in Britain, UNISON Labour Link (
Links: Pamphlet | Labour Party press release
Date: 2007-May